Date:2016-06-24 17:23:17 Views:2286 Source:
On June 24, 2016, the Ministry of Science and Technology High-tech Center issued the layout of national key research and development program "nano-technology" key special 2016 annual project. STIIT’s declaration of CMOS compatible terahertz sources, detection and array imaging project was approved by the Ministry of Science and Technology. The name of the project is “THz imager key process technology and test technology”, subject number is 2016YFA0202204.
The participating units of the project are Shanghai Institute of Technical Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Institute of Semiconductors, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Tianjin University, China Communication Technology Co., Ltd. The project team focused on the domestic terahertz field of the advantages of the team (3 academicians, 4 excellent youths, 1 Cheung Kong Scholar, 1 talent from Thousand Talents Program, 2 IEEE Fellows, 4 talents from Hundreds Talents Program, 2 from Thousand Youths Program), relying on " The State Key Laboratory of Superlattices and Microstructures” (Wu Nanjian Team), "State Key Laboratory of Integrated Optoelectronics (Chen Hongda Team)", "State Key Laboratory of Infrared Physics (Dai Ning Team)", "Imaging and Perceptual Microelectronic System Tianjin City Key Laboratory (Ma Jianguo any director)" and "Shenzhen Terahertz Technology Innovation Research Institute (Liu Shenggang academician works as Dean)" to carry out project research. Project timeframe from January 2017 to December 2021, a total of 60 months, the project uses CMOS / BiCMOS process to achieve terahertz source, detection and array imaging, around the room temperature CMOS compatible process terahertz imager such an important application target from basic research to applied research industry chain research and development, through a series of innovations in China at room temperature CMOS terahertz imagers into the international first-class ranks.